Real-time & Interactive Computer Music and Algorithmic Media with the SuperCollider Programming Language

DXARTS 490a is an intensive, one-month long course available during Summer 2010, Term A at the University of Washington’s Center for Digital Arts and Experimental Media (DXARTS).

The main focus of the course is real-time and interactive audio applications as well as providing a more in-depth knowledge of the SuperCollider programming language.
The course is primarily meant as a continuation of the DXARTS 461-2-3 Digital Sound series, with attendance of DXARTS 462 (not 463), OR sufficient experience with SuperCollider OR experience with programming and audio/media applications being a prerequisite.

DXARTS 490a is project-oriented course: each participant will design, create and, in the end of the course, present a real-time music/art piece or related research project, a large part of which must be implemented in SuperCollider. While the main focus of the course is on sound-related applications, it is possible for students to incorporate or concentrate on other media modalities with a time-based component, such as installation work, video, mechatronic projects etc. As such, possible projects include music compositions with live-electronics, Digital Musical Instruments, digitally augmented acoustic instruments, but also installations and multimedia projects that take advantage of the broad algorithmic and interactive capabilities of SuperCollider.

As this is a summer course, it is also open to participants that are not UW students. To see how to enroll in this case go to: (so, if you know of any people that may be interested, don’t hesitate to forward this).

Course times are sheduled at: M-T-W-Th, 12:40-3:20pm

More information about the course can be found here:

Deadline for applications is June 13.