The next SuperCollider Symposium will take place at Wesleyan University in Middletown (Conneticut, USA) from the evening of April 9 to April 12. Details can be found at

Here is a quick overview:

  1. The symposium will begin with a keynote address by James McCartney and a presentation on the forthcoming SuperCollider Book by a panel drawn from the collective of editors and authors of the book.
  2. Proposals for conference talks, workshops performances, and installations have a deadline of January 30 and will be accepted on-line via link on the page.
  3. Preconference workshops will be hosted by Harvestworks in NYC. Proposals for pre-conference workshops should be sent as soon as possible to Harvestworks. Put "Supercollider Workshop" in the subject heading and email to
  4. Discounted hotel rooms ($110 a night) will be available from The Inn at Middletown. (The hotel is a short walk from campus and close to a variety of restaurants and bars. Rooms have two queen-size beds and can be shared.)

Ron Kuivila