part of Sonic Seminars 2011

30.9/1.10/2.10.2011 - Introduction to Sound Synthesis and SuperCollider, led by Thor Magnusson (ixi audio).

This seminar will cover the basics of realtime sound synthesis and introduce participants to SuperCollider. Attendees will be acquainted with basic sound generators and processors (oscillators, noise generators, filters, delays) as well as with synthesis techniques such as additive and substractive synthesis and amplitude or frequency modulation. This knowledge will then be used to build synths able to be controlled programatically, by means of graphical user interfaces or using OpenSoundControl.

This activity is organized by l’ull cec with the collaboration of Consell Nacional de la Cultura i les Arts, Institut de Cultura de Barcelona and Hangar.


02.10.2011, 21:00 – ixi lang persentation + concert by Thor Magnusson. Miscelanea. Guàrdia, 10. Barcelona.
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